I was inspired to create this work after attending a Greek mythology seminar at the University of Geneva: a collection of solo oboe or English horn pieces, allowing a certain freedom of improvisation to the performer. The muses are often shown in Ancient Greek art, holding musical instruments or other associated objects.
The Nine Muses came to life initially in 2006, thanks to Phylloscopus Publications and K. R. Malloch.
Ayser Vançin
1. Euterpe: Muse of lyric poetry
2. Terpsichore: Muse of choral dance and song
3. Melpomène: Muse of song (with a tragic mask or sword)
4. Calliope: Muse of epic poetry (with tablet or paper or book)
5. Thalia: Muse of comedy and poetry (with comic mask, staff or wreath)
6. Urania: Muse of astronomy (with staff and globe)
7. Polymnie: Muse of the many hymns (in meditative attitude)
8. Erato: Muse of erotic poetry and mime (sometimes with a lyre)
9. Clio: Muse of history (standing with paper or books).
YouTube Video
The Nine Muses,
played by Taylor Crawford.