Chants de la Terre et Réveil
C468 Cover
Oboe Solo or Cor Anglais Solo
Ayser Vançin
Catalogue number: C468
ISMN: 979-0-57081-468-8
Former catalogue number: PP614
Previous Publisher(s): Phylloscopus Publications
Price: £7.95
Grade 6 – 8

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Vançin Ayser
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More music for oboe
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The inspiration for Chants de la Terre (Songs of the Earth) and Le Réveil (The Awakening) was born during my creation of the musical theater show “d’Exil en Exil” (performed at numerous international festivals) on the poetic work of Nazım Hikmet, (the great Turkish humanist poet). In this show, among other compositions, I sometimes played this music to accompany the poems “Chants des Hommes” and “Réveil” and sometimes played the pieces solo as a musical meditation.

Chants de la Terre and Réveil came to life initially in 2007, thanks to Phylloscopus Publications and K. R. Malloch.

Ayser Vançin