Paolo Benedetto Bellinzani

Paolo Benedetto Bellinzani was born towards the end of the seventeenth century in either Mantua or Ferrara (according to different sources) and died in Recanati in 1757. He was already a priest when he was appointed music director of the cathedral in Udine, after which he held similar posts successively in Ferrara (although this is uncertain), Pesaro, Urbino, Fano, Orvieto and finally Recanati. In 1727 he was also appointed composer to the Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna. His published works include collections of masses (1717), psalms (1718), offertorii (1726), duetti da camera (1726) and madrigals (1733); a manuscript set of trio sonatas “ad imitazione d’Arcangelo Corelli’ is also extant.

Paolo Benedetto Bellinzani’s work at Clifton Edition

Bellinzani: Two Sonatas in C minor Op. 3 No. 8 and B flat Op. 3 No. 9 for Treble Recorder and Continuo
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