A Nineteenth Century Collection Volume 3
C487 Cover
Oboe and Piano
Franck and Rougnon
Catalogue number: C487
ISMN: 979-0-57081-487-9
Former catalogue number: EMA137 NM393
Previous Publisher(s): European Music Archive, Nova Music
Series: A Nineteenth Century Collection
Price: £8.95
Grades 7 – 8

See also…

Franck César
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Rougnon Paul
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The Series: A Nineteenth Century Collection
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More romantic titles
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More music for oboe
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These charming pieces were originally collected for Nova Music by the esteemed oboist James Brown (1929—2012). This updated modern edition has been revised, edited and re-engraved by Timothy Roberts.


    1. César Franck: Mélodie
    2. Paul Rougnon: Air de Ballet