Know The Score is a guide to quicker learning for advanced clarinettists. It was originally published in 2012 and designed with the DipABRSM Quick Study in mind – a previously unseen extended piece of music for which 5 minutes preparation time was given prior to an assessed performance.

The music was at roughly grade 6 level, based on an assumption that a diploma standard player should be capable of tackling the test in this relatively short amount of time. Following the recent withdrawal of the qualification, the continued aim of this newly edited series is to boost the more advanced player’s confidence at quick learning. Two assumptions are made here — that you are a diploma level clarinettist, and that a reasonable level of sight-reading skill is in place. That said, if you’re less proficient at sight-reading, you should find much in the book that will help you to improve and feel more confident.

Alternatively, the book will be of interest to teachers seeking varied, approachable repertoire and theory content to support a keen grade 6 pupil’s longer-term learning. The book contains 15 original quick study pieces, 8 of which have guides.


With guides

1. The Cantankerous Clarinet
2. Asleep Under The Jacaranda Tree
3. Double-Quick March
4. Chalumeau
5. Klezmer
6. Hobgoblin
7. Clarinet Cocktail
8. Parrot Fashion

Without guides

9. A Winter’s Tale
10. March of the Malevolent Elephants
11. Renaissance Dance
12. A Homage to Haydn
13. Carnival
14. The Centipede
15. Bees
