Play the Piano Book 2
Illustrations by John Newberry
C124 Cover
Piano Tutor
Bryan Kelly
Catalogue number: C124
ISMN: 979-0-57081-124-3
Former catalogue number: SP1362
Previous Publisher(s): Spartan Press
Series: Play the Piano
Price: £9.95
Grade 2+
Exam syllabus Info: Trinity grade 2

See also…

Kelly Bryan
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The Series: Play the Piano
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More tutor titles
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More music for piano tutor
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Even the best tutors tend to use over familiar repertoire – Mozart minuets, Beethoven sonatinas and various Czerny exercises. My decision to write virtually all of the musical material in books 1 and 2 was not so much an ego trip, as an attempt to lighten up the proceedings. B.K. Series: Play The Piano