Part 1 of 2 – Venezuelan Treasures for Piano Volume 4
Edited by Clara Rodriguez
C464 Cover
Piano Solo
Teresa Carreño, Editor: Clara Rodriguez
Catalogue number: C464
ISMN: 979-0-57081-464-0
Previous Publisher(s): Previously Unpublished
Series: Venezuelan Treasures for Piano
Price: £9.95
Grades 7 – 8+

See also…

Carreño Teresa
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Rodriguez Clara
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The Series: Venezuelan Treasures for Piano
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More concert titles
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More music for piano solo
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Carreño’s pieces are delightful, fresh, and superior so-called salon pieces. They present many technically interesting challenges, but are also supremely rewarding thanks to the quality of their composition, which includes gorgeous melodies, intelligent command of the use of harmonies and the sunny happiness of rhythms from her native Venezuela.

Audio Samples

Played by Clara Rodriguez on Nimbus CD “Teresa Carreño” (NI6103)
from Le Printemps, valse de salon Op. 25
from Partie! 2éme Élegie Op.18
from Une Revue à Prague. Caprice de concert Op. 27




La Corbeille de Fleurs, vals Op. 9
(A Basket of Flowers, waltz / La Cesta de Flores, valse)

Ballade Op. 15

Plainte ! 1ère Élegie Op. 17
(Complaint! 1st Elegy / ¡Queja! 1ra Elegía)

Partie! 2éme Élegie Op.18
(Passed away! 2nd Elegy / ¡Partida! 2da Elegía)

Le Printemps, valse de salon Op. 25
(Spring, waltz / La Primavera, valse de salón)

Un Bal en Rêve. Fantaisie caprice Op. 26
(A Ball in a Dream / Un Baile en Sueños)

Une Revue à Prague. Caprice de concert Op. 27
(A Parade in Prague / Un Desfile en Praga)