Paul Carr

Paul Carr was born in Cornwall in 1961. He studied voice and piano at The Guildhall School of Music & Drama, but as a composer is largely self-taught. He was first published at the age of 17 with a set of Dance Pieces written for the legendary clarinettist, Dame Thea King. Over the years Paul has written much chamber music, various concertos and orchestral pieces, but is perhaps best known for his choral music. In 2011, Classic FM championed Paul’s recording of his new Requiem for an Angel, taking his music to a much wider audience and helping make the Requiem his most frequently performed work with over 35 performances to date in this country and abroad. In 2014, Paul was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Music from Nottingham Trent University for his “significant contribution to music at a national level”.

Paul Carr’s work at Clifton Edition

Carr, Paul: Three Pieces Blue. Bassoon and Piano
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